All LMCD meeting agendas, packets, and minutes can be found on the districts’ meetings and documents portal.
Agendas Packets and Minutes
All agendas and meeting packets for upcoming Board and Board Officer Committee meetings will be published on our meetings portal at least three days prior to the meeting date. Minutes of those meetings will also be published on the meetings portal once approved.
Meeting materials from past Board and Committee meetings can be found on the meetings portal. You may search for them in the documents library.
Meeting Videos
You can watch record videos of previous LMCD Board Meetings on the Lake Minnetonka Communication Commission Website.
Attending a LMCD Board Meeting
Meeting Date and Times
In December, the LMCD Board approves its annual meeting calendar for the Board and Standing Committee(s) for the upcoming year. Any changes to the meeting date and time will be posted at LMCD Office and on the LMCD’s Meeting Notice Page.
Meeting Location
LMCD Board Meetings are held at Wayzata City Hall at 600 Rice Street, Wayzata, MN 55391. Committee meetings are held at LMCD Office in Mound – 5341 Maywood Road, Suite 200, Mound, MN 55364 – and over interactive technology. Any changes to the meeting location will be posted at LMCD Office and on the meeting notice page.
Participate in a Meeting
The LMCD always welcomes public participation in the local decision-making process. Learn how you can speak at an upcoming board meeting.
Find a Meeting
At each meeting, the LMCD Board designates a period of time for public comments, in which the public can address the Board on items not on the meeting agenda or in application. Find all upcoming board meetings on the meeting portal calendar.
During this time, community members in the audience who wish to speak are invited to the podium. Meeting with public hearing are open for public participation on those specific items.
Register to Speak
Before addressing the Board, attendees are asked to register to speak.
Time Limit
The amount of time given for public comments is 5 minutes.
Public Record
Your participation and anything you share in a meeting will be part of the public record. Only share information that you are comfortable making public.