Water Ski Show – 2:00 p.m.
- Sponsor: Greater Wayzata Chamber of Commerce
- Contact: Brooke Beyer
- Event activities: Professional water ski performers, 20 acts of water skiing, 6 jumpers
- Parking: East City Ramp
- Prizes to be issued: None
- Alcohol sold: Yes
- Food sold: Yes, food trucks
- Structures placed on the water: Water ski jump
- Estimated attendance: 35 Participants/ 3,000 Spectators
- Number of boats allowed to enter the water (Fishing tournaments only): N/A
- Extra/unusual hazards to participants or non-participants: None
- Safety equipment provided: Perimeter will have buoys on east, west and south. Sailing school will provide moving monitor skiff, two monitor boats
- Water Patrol deputy requested: No